Improved UI of tinder style wedding vendor directory for mobile.
Had a review on SEO strategies and fixed redirect loop issue. Had a discussion with Fredd about Internet Garden.
Tested in the production environment, and it worked fine. Fixed sanity hydration issue.
Tried to solve second load issue (not because of React Strict Mode), but it was not successful. I don't not why it's redering twice otherwise...
Went to the zoo and had a relaxing day with family.
Joined a programming contest. Was able to solve only one problem... Need to study more! Also, wrote a blog post for internet garden.
Replaced display wedding business near user function with country selector.
Tried to replace display wedding business near user function with country selector, but it has been challenging to implement. Work in progress!
Tried to fix the swiping animation of tinder-style wedding business directory, but it was not successful. Instead, added new features to store user viewing history and to display business near the user.
Paused building the wedding seating chart maker for now, and started creating tinder-like interface for wedding business directory.
Worked on wedding seating chart maker. It has been quite challenging to conceptualize...
Had a relaxing Sunday. Did housework and went to the gym.
Joined a programming contest!
Changed the concept of wedding seating chart maker. The previous one was more customisable but a little bit confusing, so decided to make it simpler and less steps required. Started working on the new one.
Had discussion about the wedding seating chart, added form to handle arrangement templates, changed icons, added select multiple, copy/paste elements functionality.
Started building a wedding seating chart maker.
Fix bugs, refactor, added text color picker function to wedding mood board.
Enhanced resizing elements, added download function and persisting state using IndexedDB to wedding mood board.
Did final clean up after moving. Finally felt a little bit more at home.
Finished cleaning, recycling and everything after moving. Looked some shop for furnitures for the new flat.
Added color picking from canvas functionality to wedding mood board.
Added interactive color palette generation functionality to wedding mood board.
Started building mood board as a free tool.
Built a first version of free tool which generates social media captions for a wedding.
Enhanced the landing page and the wedding hashtag generator. Added small new features and improved UI.
Cleaned the previous flat the entire day. Still have a lot to do after moving!
Joined a programming competition. It was fun and challenging. Want to learn more about algorithms.
Built a first version of free tool which generates hashtags for a wedding.
Did further unpacking. Now, most of the things found their own place.
Did unpacking and built two work desks. Moved more stuff from old flat to the new one.
Moved to a new flat! Packed everything in the morning and moved them in the afternoon. Was a great workout....
Fixed React Hook dependency warnings in LocationMap component and optimized image components with proper TypeScript types and required alt props.
Updated a blog with a new post on Internet Garden.
Took a rest as I did not feel very well. Did a workout at a gym.
Finished building the free tool and wrote a January blog post for Internet Garden.
Started building a free tool which calculates alcohol drinks at a wedding.
Changed the file type from next.config.mjs to next.config.ts and updated the OpenAI model in MarryBirds Business. Started building a web scraper to do marketing research.
Added subscription cancellation date tracking to User model and implemented UI display of active-until dates for canceled subscriptions.
Implemented direct email change functionality using Supabase service role, updating both Auth and database simultaneously.
Did a lot of sports. Went for a walk in the forest and did a workout with Freeletics.
Enjoyed the sun and being outside after a while. Had a great discussion about Internet Garden and new business ideas with Fredd.
Implemented password reset flow with Supabase Auth and complete account deletion flow, including Stripe subscription cancellation.
Fixed business submission flow to allow form completion in any order. Changed location queries to use business profile ID instead of website URL, ensuring data persistence across all steps.
Added support for custom tags in business venue features form, ensuring they appear alongside predefined tags in MarryBirds Business. Improved accessibility in the mobile navigation sidebar.
Fixed a bug in email existence check for sign up and made website field read-only in business submission form to prevent URL modifications after initial search in MarryBirds Business.
Implemented conditional dashboard UI rendering and improved business onboarding flow by adding email verification checks for MarryBirds Business.
Our friend stayed over a night with us. Had a good time, and went to see a project mapping event. It was beautiful!
I went out with friends, walking around the city and the lake. One of them is a C++ programmer, and we had a nice talk.
Enhanced business dashboard UX by implementing persistent state management and streamlined the business submission flow, ensuring a seamless transition from dashboard to the get-listed page.
Restructured onboarding flow in MarryBirds Business to reduce friction.
Updated Stripe subscription configuration and added URL normalization utility to automatically format URLs in MarryBirds Business.
Integrated LogSnag event tracking system for real-time monitoring in MarryBirds Business, enabling instant notifications for critical user actions.
Set up DMARC and implemented PostHog, Sentry, and LogSnap for MarryBirds.
Reviewed the code of MarryBirds and removed unnecessary console logs.
Learned about function declaration in C++ and how to plan a sitemap structure based on SEO research.
It was my birthday today! This year, I want to deepen my knowledge of JavaScript, TypeScript, React and Next.js while learning new things like SEO. I look forward to building a lot of fun projects!
Implemented local storage caching for AI venue data extraction to prevent redundant API calls and improve user experience across multi-step forms in MarryBirds Business.
Enhanced venue submission forms by adding Zustand state management to persist extraction state across form steps, and improving form validation in MarryBirds Business.
Implemented automated venue data extraction in MarryBirds Business. Integrated GPT-4 API to automatically populate venue submission forms by analyzing websites.
Implemented geocoding functionality in MarryBirds. Added fallback address-to-coordinate conversion using Mapbox API.
Corrected website input editability states based on venue submission type, enhanced venue form validation, and fixed timeout errors in photo upload API in MarryBirds Business.
Started learning SEO with Danny Postma. Debugged and fixed venue listing form data flow in MarryBirds Business.
Simplified and fixed the business signup flow in MarryBirds by implementing a location matching system that connects business profiles with venue listings.
Fixed RLS policies and implemented explicit update/insert operations for business profile settings in MarryBirds.
Added a journal to my website.